Saturday, November 9, 2013

Computer Build Ideas

I have been spending some time coming up with ideas for a computer case mod design.  There are plenty of examples of creative designs for case mods on the internet.  After looking at them and adding some of my personal preferences here is a list of concepts (ranked in order of current preference) from some brainstorming:

  1. Steampunk
  2. Aircraft instruments
  3. Aircraft wing
  4. Some kind of military theme
    1. Camouflage paint?
    2. Honeycomb hex paint?

1. Steampunk theme is interesting and would leave open a lot of creative possibilities.
2. Aircraft instruments would be interesting designing the front to look like a cockpit.  This seems like the most work intensive to make things look like aircraft instruments.  Also expensive unless i can come across any discarded airplane parts.
3. Making the sides of the case look like an airplane wing.  I got this idea on a recent long distance flight looking out the window at the wing where the rivets had dark lines tapering off where it looked like fluid or oil was leaking out and the wind blowing it in a fading tapered line.  This would require rivets, grey paint, compressed air, stencils, and a bit of airbrushing (which i have no experience in).
4. Military theme seems like the easiest.  I have plenty of military insignia etc.  I have run across videos of painting "MultiCam" patterns.  I really like the honeycomb patterns used in some camouflage also.

Other considerations to think about for my brainstorming include;

  • do I want to watercool this computer?
  • do I want a window in the side of the case?
  • what size of case?
  • my limited skills and equipment for airbrushing...
  • availability of parts and modding materials.
If you have any ideas you can leave a comment on this blog - below.